Religious Education
Religious Education at St. Patrick of Heatherdowns takes into consideration the busy and
complicated dynamics of families today. We appreciate and value your decision to fulfill the commitment made at your child's Baptism to form them in the faith by enrolling your child in Religious Education.
We currently offer two options to fulfill the yearly Religious Education requirement and we regularly survey our families to see if we can provide additional quality programs to meet the Religious Education Requirements.
**All 1st Grade Students are required to do Home Study or in-person Wednesdays.
Option 1: Hybrid In-person and Home Study
We meet at the parish on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday from September- March (except November and December when we only meet the 2nd Wednesday). We have highly qualified catechists that meet in a traditional classroom setting with your child from 6-7:15 PM. The majority of our catechists have education degrees and teaching experience. They use technology and hands-on methods to make the lessons come alive!
Families are provided with a schedule of homework lasting no more than thirty minutes to complete on the off weeks. The homework covers the necessary objectives not covered in class to complete the course of study provided by the Diocese of Toledo.
Option 2: Homeschool
Parents take the lead as the primary catechist for their children. The parish provides textbooks and other materials as well as a course of study and a lesson schedule. Each family comes in for 2-3 meetings per year for progress checks and support when needed.
Option 3: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in the Parish Atrium Grade K Only
Children in Grade K will have the opportunity to do their Religious Education instruction on Sunday mornings from 11:30AM-12:30PM. This option uses a Montessori approach and teaches the faith through “prayer work”. The children hear a short presentation and then move on to various stations that they choose in order to process the presentation of the day. Classes begin in late September and end at the beginning of May.
Religious Education Information and Forms
See the information below for the Religious Education Program including important dates, registration information, forms and pay fees links.
2024-25 Program Information:
Religious Education Parent Information
Click the link below to complete a Registration Form for our 2024-2025 Religious Education program:
Pay your Religious Education fees online by clicking the link below:
Kindergarten Sunday Morning: $50
Kindergarten - Grade 8 Wednesday Evening: $75
Homeschool: $80
Pay 2024-25 Fees Online (*$4 Convenience fee added)
2024-25 Grades K-8 Hybrid Program Calendar
2024-25 Grade K Atrium Program Calendar
Lessons &
2024-25 Lesson Topic and Homework by Grade Level
Click your grade link below to access the week-by-week lesson topic and homework assignment:
Grade 1: Wednesday Night
Grade 1: Homeschool
Grade 2
Grade 2: Homeschool
Grade 3
Grade 3: Homeschool
Grade 4
Grade 4:Homeschool
Grade 5
Grade 5: Homeschool
Grade 6
Grade 6: Homeschool
Grade 7
Grade 7: Homeschool
Grade 8
Grade 8: Homeschool