Pastoral Council

(Years at SPH: 30+)
Greg Roszczipka
Greg is the current President of the SPH Pastoral Council and is also assisting with the Adult Faith Formation Committee, participates in the Praying in Silence group and the Dialogue on Diversity Initiative. His past involvement at SPH includes Knights of Columbus, Taizé prayer group, Christ Renews His Parish Retreat planning team, Alpha courses, Boy and Cub Scouts leadership at SPH, and food preparation for Cantata/Receptions/Encore Speaker Series.
The diverse community at SPH allows him to find a home for his spirituality while providing a gentle discomfort to nudge him on his journey and preventing unhealthy complacency.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 25+)
Coletta Allen
Coletta’s involvement at SPH includes being a 2022-23 Retreat Team and a member of the Silent Prayer group. Her past involvement at SPH included teaching one season of First Communion Preparation, two CRHP Retreats (one as team member), Lenten Longings, Alpha, book study (one season of book study
and another in the Mary in a Martha World book group).
Coletta brings to council her 25 years of experience at St. Ursula Academy as a teacher, media specialist and Eucharistic minister,
Coletta is a proud member of SPH and appreciates our dedicated priests and deacons, compelling liturgies and other services, the variety of activities and a great school. She is enjoying the friendships she has
developed with some of the SPH ladies.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 12+)
Karen Bird
Karen is a substitute lector and altar server for the daily 7:00 a.m. Mass. Her involvement at SPH started with her parents, who became parishioners in 1972. Karen and her family have relocated many times over 40 years and are happy to be back home at SPH. She has been involved at SPH or at other parishes in many roles, including lector, Eucharistic minister, and bell choir. Karen has also taught children’s religious education, participated in adult education classes and parish retreats, and volunteered at food pantries and home and school activities.
Pastoral Council benefits from Karen’s preference to work best behind the scenes, listening to others and offering insights and help where she can. Her interest is to work with others to reach a common goal.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 4+)
Joyce Blanton
Joyce is a greeter at the 4:30PM Mass. She brings to Pastoral Council over 35 years of leadership in the community through her involvement in boards and committees including: Hospice of Northwest Ohio, Toledo Botanical Garden, United Way of Greater Toledo Pension Committee, The Alliance Française, Bedford Township Downtown Development Authority, Bedford Town Beautification, and Green Initiatives Committees. Additionally, Joyce brings her perspective and experience gained from being an employee benefit consultant and human resource specialist 33 years.
Joyce appreciates SPH’s Pastoral Team, the impact of our school and SPH’s dedication to be a place to belong.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 9+)
Ron Bradshaw
First as a new student in 1981, Ron has been involved at SPH in different capacities. For over 13 years now, he has been a Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) basketball and soccer coach at SPH.
Based on his experience in developing relationships in the business world for over 22 years, Ron shares with council his negotiation and communication skills and his large network of associates in different fields.
He appreciates the inclusiveness and welcoming environment he has experienced from SPH parish members and staff.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 16+)
Christine Coleman
Christine has been involved in the Parent School Organization, helping to raise funds and promote SPH’s vibrant Catholic community. She has also enjoyed assisting with Fellowship Sunday.
Christine appreciates the village approach and the forward thinking prevalent at SPH to meet the needs of the community.
She is grateful for the solid education, strong Catholic foundation, and servant leadership principles her daughter received at SPH School. Christine values the importance of promoting the church in a positive light, helps bridge the racial gap for Catholics in the SPH community, and contributes to making SPH truly a place to belong.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 36+)
Colleen Donaldson
Throughout the years, Colleen served in the former nursery during Mass, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Advisory Committee for Religious Education, School Advisory Board, and, for 20 years, a SPH Festival volunteer.
A retired librarian, Colleen shares a wealth of information and perspectives with Pastoral Council. She is grateful to volunteer in a meaningful and joyful way with her participation in Council.
Colleen enjoys the friendliness of people at SPH and the way that people come together to serve and worship to better our community.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 18+)
Patty Hernandez
Patty is a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) sponsor and an Extraordinary Eucharistic minister. Her involvement at SPH has included participation in the Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Retreat planning team, Alpha courses, Evangelization team, Life Teen (youth group) core team, Funeral Luncheon Program, Parish Festival and White Elephant sale.
Patty’s willingness to listen, learn and respectfully engage in critical conversations is appreciated by Pastoral Council members. She believes in the strength of our diversity and her extensive experience in race equity and other social justice issues brings an important perspective to Pastoral Council.
Patty enjoys our welcoming environment and that SPH is truly a place to belong!

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 38+)
Jen Howe
Jen serves as Vice President of the School Advisory Council, cross country coach, lector, and assists with digital support for the church. In the past, she has been a member of the Parent School Organization. She currently has children at SPH school and brings to Pastoral Council her perspective regarding young children at SPH.
Jen’s journey at SPH started in the second grade when her parents decided that the SPH School offerings were above other schools and more appropriate for their growing family. Once she and her husband started their family, they wanted nothing more for their family than to be a part of SPH. According to Jen, the school and parish have taught their family to be better people, a closer family, and most importantly, has brought them closer to God.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 20+)
Laura Mayberry
Laura has been serving in Pastoral Council for two years and is currently a member of the retreat planning committee. Her involvement at SPH includes serving as a teacher in the Family Faith Formation program (catechetical program for children), worship band drummer and a member of the Chris Renews His Parish planning team in 2018 and 2019. Her interest in service, detail-oriented nature and skills in note taking assist Pastoral Council in gathering and sharing information. Laura enjoys forming relationships and friendships at SPH.
She appreciates the genuineness of all at SPH and core values prevalent at SPH such as devotion to our Catholic faith, service to others, involvement opportunities for all (youth to older adults) and commitment to excellence.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 8+)
Golda Osei
Golda, a devout Christian/Catholic and critical thinker with a candid nature, helps SPH be best that it can be through her involvement in Pastoral Council.
SPH is the only parish Golda has been a part of since moving to Toledo. She loves how church and God are incorporated into the school teachings and practices, and is very pleased to have chosen SPH parish and the school for her children and family to belong.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 49+)
Paul Sobb
Paul is currently the representative of the Knights of Columbus to Pastoral Council, a member of the Father Brogan School Endowment and a member of the Planned Giving Committee at SPH. Paul brings to Pastoral Council his vast business experience being a retired Certified Public Accountant, currently serving on the board of directors of two businesses and, as a consultant to two other businesses. He brings to Pastoral Council 46 years of business advisory services, leadership skills and common sense.
Paul and his wife are long time members of SPH because of the many relationships they have developed in this community. Many pastors have impacted their spiritual growth and their two children received an excellent education and great spiritual foundation at SPH.

Council Member
(Years at SPH: 8+)
Milva Valenzuela Wagner
Milva assists with the Hispanic programs at SPH, bringing an expanded sense of inclusivity and representation of the rich diversity of the Hispanic culture.
In addition to her bilingual skills (Spanish/English), Milva brings to council extensive experience in nonprofit and community involvement. She likes the sense of community and unity SPH offers; the variety of programs reaching all ages and persons at different stages of their faith journeys; the opportunities to build a network of friends, and, especially, being a member of a dynamic, progressive parish that is a place to belong to all who seek a Catholic community.